The Warbaits Slayer Swim Jig and Sledge Hammer

The WarBait Slayer Swim Jig
I haven’t been impressed by a bait company, a website, a video production crew, and just a group of fisherman like the fellas at Warbaits in a long time. I don’t know any of them. I know a lot of the fishing scene out West, but not these guys. These are young men in their 20s and late teens for the most part, or way cooler than me 30 thirtysomethings! hahahahahahah. Anyway, young, and running wide open, running a good business, with a good product and fishing and filming and doing the things a company who makes baits should have and do———-have sick and real footage of your baits in action. Your crew, your people, your vibration, your DNA, your ethos….our baits and gear are our lives, and the bass fishing media and industry is paralyzed into only doing tournament highlights and tradeshow + tournament guy in jersey highlights as their highlight reels….Which is fine, but after too many years of that stuff, it’s no longer credible because even if a guy wins a tournament on LURE X, the tournament itself is only a part of a the much bigger, more deeper, much more interesting fishing discussion about the bait or technique. Take a look at the Warbait videos, the videos from Radio Silence Fishing, etc. These guys are out there getting after it, and using the modern Internet properly, I enjoy their work and their baits. Heck, these are my people. I can relate to their style, the fishing, the water, the terrain, the boats, etc. It’s not about right or wrong or about style, its about the fishing, and these guys are working hard to produce good products and good media, and work really hard at the on the water fishing part, and appear to be having fun with it (love the War theme and derivatives that play off that for marketing and sales things, just incredible), and my hat is off to them. I’m going to suggest you look at both their Slayer Swim Jigs and Slayer Heads, (and the Warblade—you didn’t hear that from me) and rig them with Big Hammer swimbaits (all shapes and sizes 5″ to Sledge) and Robo Ocean Tails (both 5&6″ versions), if you fish for bass in deep water, maybe even as deep as 80+ feet, but certainly 10-20-30-40-50 ranges for sure. Check out the video we put together of the Warbait Slayer Swim Jig rigged with a Sledge Hammer:
I was first told about Warbaits by Brian Kettler at Big Hammer Swimbaits. He was telling me about these saltwater grade swim jigs I needed to check out. Boy was he right. You have to understand that the swim jig is probably the #1 best kept secret tool out there in most FLW Tour and BASS Elite series boats right now (the other two being head spins/tail spinners and chatter baits). Swim jigs are just awesome, and the guys at Warbaits make a bait geared for catching giant calico bass, halibut and other offshore gamefish off the coast of San Diego. The baits were made to fit the swimbaits that guys were already using (ie, Big Hammer). The Warbait Slayer Swim Jigs, you have to see. Big oversized heads, available up to 2 ounces with a 7/0 hook. This is where swim jigs and bigbait fishing intersects. There are now a zillion swim jigs on the market. Take a look at how many swim jigs are available in a size >1/2 ounce. Almost none. The Warbaits Slayer Swim Jig family is available in these great saltwater based sizes, so 1, 1.5 and 2 ounce swim jigs.

The Intersection of BigBait and Swim Jig
So why do you need a swim jig that is upwards of 2 ounces and has the hook to match the Sledge Hammer? Because you need to fish bigger, if you want to target the bigger fish. That is the lesson of bigbaits. You need to fish significantly larger (meaning, if you’ve never thrown a bait over 6″ long and 1 ounce, move up to 9-12″ long and 2-3 ounces…not just slightly bigger, way bigger). Where would a 2 ounce swim jig work? I’m not 100% sure all the places, but let me be clear and just tell you the entire Tennessee River system to start. I am going to guess at the North Country, Great Lakes, where you have offshore, fishing done in deeper water. The Ozarks, I will go ahead and volunteer to be part of that test group. I’m going to be probing the depths of many Ozark lakes in the cold and in the heat. Texas. I have heard a lot about big fish being caught offshore in Texas. So lets try and net this out. The intersection of bigbait and swim jig happens in deep water for the most part. You can swim the jig, but you can also drag, hop, and stroke the jig, and that is the key. Grass fishing up shallow with magnum swim jigs is a whole other conversation, one we’ll circle back to someday. The Warbait Slayer Swim Jig is the only tool I know that is geared toward catching fish in 15-100 feet (if necessary), besides just a standard lead head in 1-2 ounces, top hook style standard jig head. The size of the bait, the skirt, the weedguard, and ability to rig it with the good magnum kind swimbaits, makes it a unique tool.
The Sledge Hammer
I am a huge fan of Big Hammer swimbaits. I’ve been fishing them for years now, and have gotten pretty good with a few sizes of them. The Sledge Hammer is one I’ve only the last 2 years really put time into. The Sledge Hammer, is of course exciting to a guy who likes to throw bigbaits. It’s way bigger, 9″ long to be exact, and has a huge oversized version of the Big Hammer square tail, and slender/thin profile. Long and slender softbaits (think about big worms for a second) tend to get bit by big fish, and the Sledge Hammer fits nicely into a big, long, slender, swimming bait that almost nobody has an answer to. The Sledge Hammer is one of a couple swimbaits that match up with the Warbait Slayer Swim Jigs nicely. My other favorite swimbaits on the Warbait Slayer Swim Jigs are the 6.5″ Big Hammer, the 5.5″ Big Hammer, and the 5&6″ Robo Ocean Tail swimbaits. The Sledge Hammer is hands down the largest (yet not obnoxious) of the swimbaits you can choose to put on the back of your Warbait Slayer Swim Jigs and put yourself in position to catch a biggun.

The Harder They Come, Harder They Fall
Everyone needs to pitch a 1 ounce Medlock Jig on 80# braid with a Gambler Ugly Otter Trailer on it around reeds in 1-3 feet of water on Lake Okeechobee. 1 ounce jigs don’t fall that fast. Especially with a big bulky skirt and bait with a lot of drag/resistance. So, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Come closer….let’s talk softly now so as no one else may hear. “The heavier your jig head is, the better your soft swimbait swims on the fall/on slack line” So, 1/2 and even 1 ounces aren’t enough weight to get a bigbait swimming right at times. You need 1.5 and 2 ounces to get the Sledge Hammer and 6.5″ Big Hammer fully swimming right, tail twisting and kicking, body moving, etc. There are inherent buoyancy properties of soft plastic baits and skirts combined with your line and stretch, etc etc etc whereby it becomes noticeably better/significantly better, to have twice the weight than you would when fishing for freshwater bass. The rate of fall, in this case, often is the key to the bite, or some of it, but I’m also weaving in, the heavier weight will pull your bait back down to the bottom harder and force a better swim out of your bait on the fall. You don’t get quite the twist and body undulation on landing, nor the pock marks on the moon effect in sand and soft bottom effect with a 3/4 – 1 ounce head on the Sledge Hammer as you do with the 2 ounce version. You get more glide and less swim out of the tail with lighter weights on the jig head with big soft plastics, especially at depth. And then of course the obvious benefits of better bottom contact, get the bait down quicker (more casts to more sweet spots on tournament day benefit vs. waiting for your bait to sink out), better at crushing rocks ( the 2 ounce Slayer Head crushes rocks and turns them to rubble when touching down each time, no, not really, but it does have more clank/noise/displacement than anything most guys are throwing). Out West, I read a lot more about guys fishing the “1-Ton” back in the day. The Yamamoto Jig with a 1 ounce Football Head on standard 7 foot bass rods in deep water. Same sort of deal. The heavier weight creates a reaction bite, or the better swim out of the bait which creates the bite, or it’s just that much more fishable (where can cast it way out and literally drag the bottom while reeling at near full speed if you wanted to….power dragging/swimming style. Anyway, the net net is try a 1.5 or 2 ounce Slayer Swim Jig and tell me it isn’t the shiz for fishing a top hook style swimbait out deep.
The Song Remains the Same
Everything I find myself doing is a ‘work in progress’ and part of other conversations and discussions. I have found some outside/deep water swimbait bites, and plan on exploring a whole lot more it. It’s the ‘single top hook’ swimmer vs. the A-Rig conversation, it’s the deep swimbait bite conversation, the TN River conversation, “swimbaits in current/moving water” conversation———but I will stop there. This is WAR. I have an ongoing war with the fish, war with myself, and war within the fishing industry about what is good fishing content and the dynamics of making a living fishing. It’s okay, it’s a healthy war, one that I enjoy most times, and one I plan on sharing with you each time I update this blog. You can expect some more on this subject sometime soon. I have learned a lot about and taken my own fishing to new levels with the 1, 1.5 and 2 ounce Warbaits swim jigs and various Big Hammer swimbaits (5″, 5.5″, 6.5″ and Sledge) for the last couple years, mostly fishing the TN River, things I plan on sharing, discussions backed up with film, photography, style and soul.

The Warbaits guys aren’t looking at my website or your website for ideas and stealing info and pirating stuff—they are out fishing, pushing, progressing, traveling and searching, and proving why their stuff is legit. These guys are leaders and are trail blazing their own paths with better products, and better media, all done and packaged better. They tournament fish too. Check out the SWBA (Saltwater Bass Anglers) . I’ll be fishing that SWBA for sure if I lived in the Dana Point/San Clemente, CA again someday. Calico bass in kelp are just awesome, and you never know what you are going a hook, yellow tail, white sea bass are there too, but big calicos will eat a spinnerbait, swimbait, swim jig, and all sorts of freshwater bass baits better than largemouth do! I swear, they are just awesome fish and it’s really cool fishing and its rad to see the Pacific Coastline become a good place for tournament fishing, especially bass. They are catching 25-35+ pound limits too, these aren’t no small 5 fish limits they are catching of calico bass. They fish the entire Southern California coastline, so it’s cool like that so you go from San Diego north to Orange County and Long Beach. Anyway, educate yourself on these guys and their baits. This is a style you are going to be using someday probing ledges, points, high spots, vertical faces, fishing over standing timber, etc to hunt and catch bigger fish out deep with a swimbait.

The Warbaits Slayer Swim Jig and Sledge Hammer Photo Gallery:
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Big Respect! Excellent read.
Thank you Justin. I really respect what you guys are up to for sure, just love the fishing, the business, the style, the media/productions, the etc. If you guys ever wanted to fish out this way, and I’m all over the SouthEast but Arkansas is ‘home’ now, so whatever, we’ll make it happen. Love to do just hang out and fish, talk some shop, whatever. Roll film and fish a lot basically. MP