The Super Slammer From Mike Shaw
I just saw this and had to share. The Super Slammer, are you kidding me? The beauty of the MS Slammer, and the wood bait thing, is that in a 12 or 14″ bait (14″ is the size of the Super Slammer) it doesn’t weigh that much. I’m shocked at how easily the 12″ MS Slammer fishes, so this 14″ big daddy Super Slammer makes sense to me. 14″ Big Wood baits will fish far easier and low impact on your body vs. composite material or soft plastic baits of this size. I think the striper guys will go nuts over this Super Slammer, but so will the guys who hunt big largemouths. Walk, stall, pause or just straight retrieve… or night, rain or shine….I’m gonna get some of these and test them out, I suggest check you them out HERE