The Cox Family: I am Weary Let me Rest
The Cox Family is from Cotton Valley, Louisiana, and their style of singing marries bluegrass, gospel and country. I would have guessed they were from North Carolina, but was surprised to read they are from Louisiana. Even cooler. This is a performance from the Down from the Mountain project, which if your keeping track, is the second song (the other performance is the Gillian Welch/David Rawlings tune called ‘Dear Someone’) that I’m recommending you give a listen to. The Project celebrates the music that ultimately was integrated into “O Brother Where Art Thou“. I am the least educated person in the world when it comes to the church. Out West, the Church is nowhere near the part of the lifestyle and culture that you find in the MidWest and South. The little exposure to the Church that I’ve had, one thing has always resonated with me: the music. I definitely enjoy the styles of music that are played with acoustic instruments and are played on back porches, around campfires and in the Church. Music that doesn’t need a computer to play or master. More like, grab a seat, grab an instrument or just sing along. The vocals are incredible. Harmony in music? Amazing but true! Voice and music from on High.